You are currently viewing X-Axis Linear Rail Upgrade for Ender 3

X-Axis Linear Rail Upgrade for Ender 3

Upgrading your Ender 3 / Ender 3 Pro / Ender 3 V2 to linear rail has never been simpler!

Convert your Ender 3 to X-Axis linear rail in minutes. Bye Bye POM wheels! Get a smooth & precise motion + no vibrations…

You only need a 300mm MGN12 linear rail, a couple of M3 bolts & T-Nuts, and a 3D printed adapter. The 3D printed adapter is a replacement of the metal X-carriage with extra holes to attach it to the MGN12H carriage block. It provides the same attachments/holes as the original metal plate making it highly compatible: You can use it with your stock Ender 3 but also with many other cooling mods.

What you need to convert your Ender 3 to linear rail…

(1x) Download 3D Printed Linear Rail Adapter
(1x) MGN12 Linear Rail Guide 300mm with MGN12H Carriage Block
(7x) M3 T-Nuts
M2 M3 M4 M5 Stainless Steel Button Head Socket Cap Metric Screws Bolts Washers Nuts Hardware Assortment Kit

(7x) M3x8mm Bolts (Button Head Socket Cap)
(4x) M3x8mm Bolts
M3 Nuts
Sunlu PLA+ Filament
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3D printed linear rail adapter for Ender 3

3D Printed adapter for X-Axis Linear Rail
The 3D Printed adapter is a direct replacement of the Ender 3 metal plate with additional holes

Slicing the parts

  • Printer: Ender 3 Pro with BondTech BMG + E3D V6 + Marlin
  • Filament; Sunlu PLA+ Black
  • Nozzle: 0.4 mm
  • Slicer: Ultimaker Cura 4.12.1
  • Layer Height: 0.25 mm
  • Line Width: 0.4 mm
  • Wall Thickness: 0.8 mm (=2 walls)
  • Top/Bottom Thickness: 0.75 mm (=3 layers)
  • Infill Density: 15%
  • Infill Pattern: Cubic
  • Printing Temperature: 220 deg C
  • Build Plate Temperature: 70 deg C
  • Enable Print Cooling: Enabled
  • Fan Speed: 100%
  • Initial Fan Speed: 0%
  • Regular Fan Speed at Layer: 2
  • Generate Support: Enabled
  • Support Placement: Touching Buildplate
Recommended Print Orientation




Stock Ender 3
BMG E3D V6 (left side)
BMG E3D V6 (back)

Change Log

20220413: (v2): Initial Release